Shahid Sajjad's Sculpture: Collected Essays

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Book Name: Shahid Sajjad's Sculpture: Collected Essays
Author Name: Dr. Akber Naqvi
Price:  Rs.8000/-
Genre: Biography, Art
Language:  English
Publisher:  NCA Publications
Availability:  In stock

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About the Book:

In the eminent realm of literary treasures, the extraordinary volume titled Shahid Sajjad’s
Sculpture: Collected Essays by Dr. Akber Naqvi stands as a rare gem, a testament to the
meager collection that delves into the intricate lives of artists driven solely by unbridled passion.
Shahid Sajjad's narrative unfolds as a captivating odyssey of sculptural mastery, a testimony of
his journey charted with compassion and commitment, without the certifications bestowed by
formal institutions. Here, artistry transcends the limitation of conventional validation, as Sajjad's
invincible spirit and singular talent weaves a poignant tapestry, beckoning readers into the
artistic world of a self-forged sculptor.

Shipping & Returns

Delivery Time: 6 to 7 business days for shipments within Lahore.

Same day for self pickup orders.

Returns: Returns are not accepted.

Delivery Charges: No Delivery charges within Lahore.


Book Name: Shahid Sajjad's Sculpture: Collected Essays
Author Name: Dr. Akber Naqvi
Price:  Rs.8000/-
Genre: Biography, Art
Language:  English
Publisher:  NCA Publications
Availability:  In stock

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About the Book:

In the eminent realm of literary treasures, the extraordinary volume titled Shahid Sajjad’s
Sculpture: Collected Essays by Dr. Akber Naqvi stands as a rare gem, a testament to the
meager collection that delves into the intricate lives of artists driven solely by unbridled passion.
Shahid Sajjad's narrative unfolds as a captivating odyssey of sculptural mastery, a testimony of
his journey charted with compassion and commitment, without the certifications bestowed by
formal institutions. Here, artistry transcends the limitation of conventional validation, as Sajjad's
invincible spirit and singular talent weaves a poignant tapestry, beckoning readers into the
artistic world of a self-forged sculptor.

Shipping & Returns

Delivery Time: 6 to 7 business days for shipments within Lahore.

Same day for self pickup orders.

Returns: Returns are not accepted.

Delivery Charges: No Delivery charges within Lahore.

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